- NU Image Protection Agency, LLC GSA 8a STARS III Contract Details:
- Contract Number: 47QTCB22D0612
- Contract Ordering Period: 7/1/2021 -7/1/2029;
- TO Performance period through 7/1/2034
- DUNS Number: 962715780
- UEI Number: KX1THKK2DX14
- STARS 3 Contract Manager: Stepfan Williams
- Contract Manager Email Address:
Contract Description
GSA’s 8(a) STARS III Contract vehicle is a Small Business Best-in Class Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) that provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from an already vetted, diverse pool of 8(a) industry partners, such as Immersive Concepts. With a $50 Billion ceiling, this GWAC expands capabilities for emerging technologies, and supports both outside of the continental United States (OCONUS) and CONUS requirements.
Additional benefits of GSA’s 8(a) STARS III contract vehicle:
- $50 Billion Contract Ceiling
- A variety of ordering options including Firmed-Fixed (FF), Time and Material (T&M), Labor Hour, and
- Hybrid blends.
- Ordering period of 5 years (7/1/2021 -7/1/2026) with a 3-year option
- Sole Source Task Orders up to the 8(a) threshold
- Pool of Best-In-Class Small Businesses with the ability to provide services such as:
- Information Technology Services
- Data Management
- Information and Communications Technology
- IT Operations and Maintenance
- IT Security / IT workforce augmentation
- Software Development
- Systems Design
- Emerging Technologies
For more information about the GSA 8(a) STARS III GWAC, visit:
For GSA 8(a) STARS III Ordering Guide: Click here (link below)